
Thursday, April 15, 2010

A Modern Take On a Breakfast Classic: Smoked Salmon and Oatmeal Galette with Herb Poached Egg and Lemon-Caper Emulsion

My friend Christa recently turned me on to this fabulous recipe for a spruced up version of Eggs Benedict. It calls for smoked salmon (one of my favorite combos with egg) and instead of the dry cracker known as English muffin, Chef Dee Nguyen from Break of Dawn restaurant in Laguna Beach does a simple but tasty oatmeal pancake called a "galette." If you're looking to update a breakfast classic or having a special brunch soon, this is a meal that's sure to please!

Smoked Salmon and Oatmeal Galette, Herb Poached Egg, Lemon-Caper Emulsion

Serves 4

Good quality smoked salmon
1 recipe oatmeal galette (recipe follows)
1 recipe poached eggs (recipe follows)
1 recipe roasted tomatoes (recipe follows)
1 recipe lemon-caper emulsion (recipe follows)

Oatmeal Galette:
1 cup instant oatmeal
1 1/2 cup whole milk
1 cup pancake batter (your favorite)

Combine oatmeal and milk-refrigerate over night. The next day, fold in pancake batter until mixture is smooth; season with salt and pepper. Pan-fried galette with vegetable oil in a non-stick pan.

Herb Poached Egg:
8 each egg
1 gallon water
2 tablespoon rice vinegar
1 teaspoon salt
4 ounce butter, melted
1 teaspoon dill, chopped

Combine water, vinegar and salt in sauce pot-make sure water level is about 4 inches high. Bring water to a simmer and drop cracked eggs into water slowly. The simmering water with vinegar and salt will help coagulate the egg white quicker, forming each egg into a nice oval shape-this will need some practice. Remove poached egg after two minutes or until white is set. Pour butter and dill over eggs and season with salt and pepper.

Marinated Tomato:
1 each tomato, small dice
1 teaspoon fennel seed, toasted
1 teaspoon shallot, chopped
1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil

Combine all ingredients and season with salt and pepper-let it marinate at least one hour for a better flavor.

Lemon-Caper Emulsion:
1 each egg
1 each lemon juice and zest
1 tablespoon water
1/2 teaspoon mustard
1 cup extra virgin olive oil

Combine first four ingredients in the blender at low speed. Slowly add the oil to form an emulsion. Season with salt, pepper and a pinch of cayenne pepper. You might need to add some water to thin down the sauce.

To Assemble:
Lay out an oatmeal galette on each plate. Top with some smoked salmon, then a poached egg, add the tomato to the sides and then drizzle the whole dish with the lemon-caper emulsion, concentrating more of it on top of the poached egg. Serve immediately.


  1. And may I just say, it's DIVINE?! Five years of my career were spent within two freeway exits of each other, so I had the good fortune of frequenting the same restaurants throughout, and this dish from Break of Dawn was a regular in the rotation! Soooo good!!! I'm nervous about making it myself but hope to do it justice. I'll send pics, Mishy, when I do make it myself!

  2. PS: Break of Dawn is in Laguna Hills, not Laguna Beach. Weird, right? It totally fits more with Laguna Beach, but what can you do. It's in a shopping center right by the mall off of El Toro, near the Trader Joe's there on Avenida Carlotta.
