
Monday, August 29, 2011

Dear Readers...

Apologies for blog postings not being up as often. Whereas I intended this to be a daily blog, with a new post every day during the week, clearly you've noticed that hasn't been the case of late. The good news is I'm pregnant with Little Girl #2. The bad news is it's been fraught with complications that's forced me on bed rest for the foreseeable future. This includes, unfortunately, not cooking. I've had a disproportionate amount of take-out the last few weeks, and it's depressing me. I'm just looking forward to getting off of bed rest (hopefully) sooner than later, and getting back into the cooking groove that makes me happy, makes me focused, makes me otherwise zen.

Because of the condition, I'm going to reduce blogging to once a week, probably with a new posting around Fridays. I thank you all for the support, the readership, I welcome all of you new readers I see on Facebook, and hope you know I feel so shitty, like I'm letting you all down not blogging. But it's something I have to pull back on for now.

I thumb through cookbooks now, just chomping at the bit for when I can reconnect with Ina and Mario, and explore more ingredients and techniques. I hope to come back in time for the holidays with a cooking vengeance.

Thanks to you all.


1 comment:

  1. Still love ya mish! People love to cook for family and friends... Makes one even more of a fan to know you do the right thing for your family <3 so excited for baby S!
