
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Seattle, Here We Come!

The Enchanted Spoon with be on a brief hiatus for a week or two more as we are in the process of moving to Seattle! Scheduled to fly up this Monday, soon enough I'll be whipping up some insanely gourmet yums in my new gourmet kitchen (!) and ravaging through the food scene in downtown. I'm seriously looking forward to eating my way through Seattle and all the Pacific North West has to throw at me. I just found out today they have a salmon spawning festival in a couple of months, and a huge salmon cookout is involved so I'm making sure to RSVP to that STAT.

Until then, if you want to read about our misadventures and move, you can check out my personal blog called Rants and Raves: A Mishy's Perspective. Warning: cussing, swearing, and otherwise "offendable" language runs rampant as that's what makes for a good rant or rave. Take it with a grain of salt (or sugar), as it were. ;)

Can't wait to get back on the cooking scene and get some Pac NW inspired recipes up on here!

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