
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Simple Brunch: Smoked Salmon Bagel Bar

Just a couple of days before our move to Seattle, our great friends The Karrs invited us to their home (again) for brunch. They executed a traditional brunch item just perfectly. Assorted bagels laid out on a platter, good smoked salmon, and various accoutrement's for everyone to assemble their bagel as they wished.

This is a great example of how food doesn't need to be complicated or even cooked to be good!

Sliced red onions, boiled eggs (Adam even separated the yolks from the whites!) and capers along with cool plain cream cheese are classic perfection to a mild and sweet smoked salmon. And the best part was we all could spend time talking and hanging out instead of worrying about not burning a frittata.
Mimosas and pomegranate-champagne "splashes" were our drinks for the brunch. It was a perfect way to celebrate our last sunny and hot Saturday in Southern California.

And since you're basically assembling food, this menu can be expanded or contracted to fit anything from 2-200 people! So try out this menu for a simple and satisfying bagel bar for your next brunch.
Smoked Salmon Bagel Bar and Pomosas
assorted bagels cut in half, lengthwise
good quality Irish or Scottish style smoked salmon
hard-boiled eggs (yolks and whites separated if desired)
thinly sliced red onion
capers, drained
freshly ground black pepper
lemon wedges for garnish
pomegranate juice
To make the bagel bar, simple place each ingredient in a decorative bowl or platter as desired. If you got that pretty fish dish for your wedding you've never used, this is the perfect time to use it! Don't have one? Just use a regular dinner plate! And don't forget to provide forks or spoons as needed so people can help themselves.
To make the Pomosas, simply add a bit of pomegranate juice to the bottom of a champagne or wine glass and then top with chilled champagne! For kid-friendly or non-alcoholic versions, substitute the champagne with sparkling white grape juice or ginger ale.

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