
Monday, May 17, 2010

A Simple Sangria

Everyone thinks of red wine when they hear "sangria." And there's nothing I enjoy more on a hot summer's day than a good, spiced up red sangria. But have you tried a white sangria? It's made the same way: wine, fruits, and splashed with other liquors. And is the same refreshing cocktail, only I find it's even crisper and colder than a red sangria. It's a perfect and fun cocktail to kick off a party, and is a great drink to take into a fish-centered main course dinner.
As part of my challenge last week to use ingredients from my organic produce basket, I decided to throw in the fruits I got into a pitcher of cold pinos grigio. And voila! An awesome cocktail that looked as beautiful as it tasted.
Sangrias are very versitle; you can literally use whatever wine you like with whatever spices, fruits or liquors you have on hand. You rarely will have to actually go out and shop for ingredients for a sangria - often you will have everything right in your home or pantry!
I loved how simple and delicious my white sangria turned out, so I thought I'd share the recipe with you all here. Again, substitute this fruit for that, or use a different wine all together. The point is to get the spirit of the cocktail (no pun intended) and go from there.
Organic Fruit Basket White Sangria
1 bottle good pinos grigio
1 cup Triple Sec or other orange-flavored liquor
1 organic green apple, sliced thinly with skin on
2 tangerines, peeled and broken into segments
1/2 pint fresh organic strawberries, sliced thinly
1/4 cup super-fine white sugar (or regular granulated sugar)
Combine all ingredients in a large pitcher. Using a wooden spoon, gently press on the fruit to help release their juices. Place in refrigerator and let stand at least an hour, preferably up to 3. Add ice cubes to pitcher before serving and serve in large wine glasses with fruit and cubes in each glass.

1 comment:

  1. My friend makes a killer sangria with hard cider (Blackthorn), apples, peaches, oranges, and lemons. It's true - I think you can throw fruit, booze, and sugar in a pitcher and something glorious will almost always result.
